Monday, March 26, 2012

Laughing at yourself is the best remedy

Picture this.....I'm walking my dog.  This time around it's a bit late because what I can I say I go when I feel like it.  I took him to his normal mini dog park where they have the doggy bags available for use.  I didn't want to go over there this time around because for some odd reason I had a feeling I might run into my neighbor.  He's someone who I had this thing with for a while and I've been trying to avoid him any way I can.  I decided to pass on the park.  I walk back to my building and as I'm strolling along enjoying the nice weather and cool breeze this loud AC unit came on and startled me.  I jumped and chuckled a little because it was funny having to see myself jump out of nowhere.  As I continue walking towards the mailbox I see my neighbor driving into the complex, my heart jumped.  I waited a few seconds, thinking he may stop by the mailbox, so as I thought about looking foolish I proceeded to walk faster towards my building.  Three young teenage boys hanging outside their patio started whistling, trying to get my attention, saying they want to walk my dog.  I looked at them with a smart smile and walked up the stairs, when all of a sudden I fell all fours to the ground.  I didn't trip over my dog in which I sometimes do but there was nothing on the ground that gave me a reason for my fall.  Nothing!

Luckily the guys didn't see me because they were adjacent to the building so they didn't see me walk up the stairs.  My first thought was I hope my neighbor didn't see me, which I wasn't sure at this point if he parked or drove but the second I brushed myself up....a voice yelled out "are you ok?"  I quickly turned around and this random stranger was standing there continuing to ask if I was ok.  My heart dropped out of embarrassment.  I couldn't believe someone saw me.  I was mortified!  Then I started laughing hysterically at myself so hard!

I guess this was God's message to say stop sweating the small stuff and just live!  Honestly laughing so hard at myself helped me feel alive again.  It helped me feel a bit happy at where I'm at, at this moment.

I needed it.  Thank you!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Being single is Overrated!

I read a quote from an artist saying "You don't want to live your life and then meet someone. You want to share your life with someone."  I couldn't agree more.

It's funny because I know several men who has to do all these things they want to finish and accomplish before they make that commitment or when they are ready.  But I'm thinking when do you decide when you're ready?  Will you ever really be ready?  Do men look at their bank account one day and say yes it's time, let me look for the hottest chick that comes my way and spoil her and convince her that I'm the perfect guy and then 5 years later you find out you two have nothing in common?  Seriously is that the proper way to say you're ready?

It's like men want this perfect scenario of how things should be but they are only looking at the superficial aspect of the relationship.  I understand a man wanting to provide for his family but it seems like today the men want to get the house, nice car, money in the bank all on their own to pull that "perfect" woman.  I find it unfortunate when they realize this perfect life isn't what it's cracked up to be and before you know it time and money has been spent to find the reality of it all.  The grass really isn't greener.

What happened to couples working together to make a goal, to go to school while the partner supports him/her, or to save together to get the nice house/car.  Why can it be done together?  This cycle is all messed up because now men are about having someone temporary to hook up with to fight the loneliness and keep their ego high.  At the same time working towards their own selfish goals thinking someone better will come along.  I'm sure it's possibly and probable that anyone can pull anything depending what they're offering but is that the basis for an ideal relationship?  I know they want love too but I find it sad that sometimes the good ones are the ones that are helping build them where they want to be but us women take and accept or even hope that his potential love will foster but his vision of his potential "wife" will fall into the timing trap of when he's ready.