My colleague was telling us her friend's situation about catching her husband having an affair. She didn't directly catch him. She came home early and overheard his conversation over the phone and it was very inappropriate for a married man to say to any woman. She was in shock on what was happening. She continued to stand by the door and her husband quickly hung up his cell phone the minute he heard something. She didn't bring it up, played it cool and immediately called her girlfriend. Later that night before they went to bed he took a shower and she was able to pull up the phone number of the female. The next day she did further investigating on the woman and even had someone else call the woman just to make sure it was her. My colleague was telling us how much she was getting into to find out more on what her husband was doing. My colleague had a point, as to why go through all that torture if you're not ready to leave him. She said, "why do you want to go through all the details of this woman and how they go about their business just to confirm he's cheating". Do we need actual proof to know your man's cheating? She knows he's doing something wrong but she can't point it out nor can she really start an argument without proof. We all have that intuition about something not feeling right and if it's something that is bothering I think we all should just confront it like mature adults. But I was really struck on, what if he did admit to cheating and the marriage isn't what it's expected to be, are we really ready to face that reality of what can end. I know tomorrow isn't guaranteed but to know that you at least have the comfort of coming home to a warm bed and a lovely home isn't something anyone wants to give up quickly. She pointed out, why confront him, if you're not ready to leave. If not then maybe you should come at him with a different approach but to further investigate on what may be going on is only putting yourself through torture and that something can be more damaging than the problem itself which may not be fixable in the future. Would you want to know? If it were me I would at least let him know I can't be disrespected and let him know something is up. But I don't think I would want to know the details. Like she said, "in time the truth will reveal itself but to go out and seek it, well you might just get burned"....I guess ignorance is bliss...until you become a blatant fool.
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