I don't know what it is but I seem to always attract older men who wants to help me for some reason. What made him come up to me and say "whatever it is it's not too late". WTF! Excuse me what does that mean? What is on my forehead for you to express your thoughts upon me. My gosh! My girlfriend and I were hanging at this new soul food restaurant which I can say is a happening place to be. Love the atmosphere. This older gentlemen kept asking us to dance. We kept brushing him off but was laughing with him along the way. This time he was asking deeper questions like asking my age and where my grand parents are from. Then he said we must of met before. I'm thinking old man don't think your game is going to run on me now. Lets not insult injury here. I may look bitter but don't try to play me for a young fool. Anyways I wasn't looking bitter. My girlfriend and I were enjoying ourselves and you can just see the glow in our smiles because this place looked a little stuffy. No wonder he kept coming by us. He said he's 60 years old but he looks like a nice 50 with his charm. Out of nowhere when my girl went to the restroom he said "it's not too late for whatever you're looking for" I said define what's late for you, as if I knew what he's talking about. Heck I played along with it because attention never hurts right?. He said, "you look like God's child." "Excuse me", just to clarify what he' was saying. He said "you're God's child right?" I said, "we all are", with a smart smile. He said "don't worry he can give you the world but he must honor your heart." I just teared, I don't know where he came up with that but it hit the core. It hit the core of what's needed in general. Honor your heart is the most beautiful thing I've heard in a long time. It was just nice to hear that and all his bs he was trying to spill opened a window of respect for this older man. It was nice for him to share, as he was brushing off of saying too much. But it was nice to hear and a nice reminder for us women that this is what men should do. It's rare to find but when he does, he deserves the world .............from you.
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