So I was thinking about the whole union of marriage and I thought I came up with a great idea. This guy pointed out his opinion that he and his girl been together for years now. They live together and they both vowed to be committed for life. He agrees, that they are practically married. So I thought then why not get married but not on a legal term, that way they both benefit. She still gets her dream wedding and share those vows in front of loved ones. I'm sure she wouldn't pass this up and he still gets the "out" feeling sense of security. When I say "out" its that justification men make for if they break up they can easily walk away. No divorce drama etc. I mean that's the real reason why people don't want to get married right? Anyways I'm thinking why not? There's no legality behind it. They both would continue to file single on their taxes but for the most part they can wear a ring like married couples, they can purchase a home like married couples, shared bank accounts, and now soon to be new laws which will eventually take place for couples having legal rights to unmarried partners, hence "gay" rights. I think this is a great idea. And the best part is, if they break up they can both walk away from it just like any break up....until there's kids involved. Then things get complicated and more on a deeper level regards to the welfare of the child and then finances, then property, then emotional heart ache. Then the two of you can't agree on anything, to where now you do need a lawyer and it's back to court all over again. Hmn....where am I going with this? I guess my point is there's no right way about going on with a marriage, partnership, arrangement, agreement, promise, whatever you call it that binds "love" together. All in all a commitment is an agreement between two people period. So it does take a leap of faith to get involved in such an honorable hold for one person on both ends to make. So I say this, it isn't marriage that should deter anyone, it should be the fact that making sure that person is right for you and you right for him is the
risk we are both willing to take. And that my friend doesn't guarantee anything. Cheers!
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