Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Honor your heart

Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Been there done that
So my girlfriend has this dilemma which is fasincinating because it affects me too. Yes we are not getting any younger so our preferences are starting to change. The superficial values don't matter as much as before, you know looks, hmn looks, oh yeah looks and personality. Personality comes to play more and the value system and maybe financial background, and education starts to pan out. These items are starting to tie in to what you want in a partner on whom you want to build something long term with. This is what you want, correct? Like I said before we all have a list but how often do we really stick to it. Time goes by because you haven't found anyone that fits your list until now so you make an exception because well he's nice and he's showing interest and making an effort. You can't fault him for trying and it's always nice to get attention. No one will pass that up. So things are going smoothly, he's charming, funny, he pays for everything, you guys are just enjoying each others company. You're starting to get comfortable, attached, and you're starting to have that dependent feeling. Then you check yourself......Then that moment comes, that silent moment where you have that quick thought, if he's someone I can be committed to for now, for a while, or maybe to fall in love with. For me I know if I can commit. If I can be faithful to, If I can see myself falling in love with you. Right now I haven't thought beyond that because I'm not sure if I want to go there with you. And why is it that I haven't looked beyond this moment. Maybe deep down I know he hasn't fit the description on my list or what I'm looking for long term. It's not so much physical anymore than how he treats me but are we truly compatible for each other. Am I someone he needs and is he someone I need to grow with. Like I said I knew and know from the beginning what I wanted before I met him and I know how I can be when I'm with him. You are stuck in two different directions with no path chosen ....yet. Which path should you follow head or heart? I've been there done that, lesson learned. For me my head is saying to protect my heart. Therefore I shouldn't settle for anything less than what will satisfy me. All good things come to an end I suppose.
Monday, September 20, 2010
You can't help it
I was thinking about the list my girlfriend brought up. We all have a list if you like it or not. It may not literally be written but it's also known as preference. If I asked you what's your preference you would generally give me a list of what you're looking for, correct? Yes, same difference. Now that that's clear, I would say that we all know within a few minutes what we are attracted to. You can't help it, you know what you're attracted to. So when you finally find someone who fits that list and that person gives you the time of day. Even if he doesn't give you the time of day, you will find a way to make it happen. Trust it will happen. Now that you got that connection, you're going to run with it and it's like "love at first sight". The passion, the exhilaration, excitement, this whole euphoria just bursts into this fantasy of your partner. You start doing things you wouldn't fathom to do with a regular dude you been killing time with, but this guy....you can't say no. Even if everyone else is saying no, he is your man. Man how do I know the feeling. Then you start to think it's love. For me it wasn't the love so much of what couples define love to be but I can say for me it was the love I wanted to give and give and see no faults within him. You may say I was a fool in love but for the most part my head was still intact. I can vouch to say that I wouldn't compromise myself to serve him. So I wasn't that blinded but I can say that he was someone I longed for for a long time and it was just nice to have someone I'm looking for to cross my path. You can't help it! What I took from it though is that the experience is something I can never forget and I know the love that I had for him is possible for the next person. Trust me it's a rare incident to give my love completely but the reward is that much bigger and the risk is that much at stake to find someone where you fit his list as well. Until then never settle for anything less than what you desire for yourself! Make that list count!
Friday, September 17, 2010
He's not ready
It took me 3 wine glasses and 2 sake bombers for me to say this. I've accepted it for what it is. For he to say he's not ready, says he's not ready. I'm not going to sugar coat it or make it an excuse. He wants to continue to see me and treat me like a lady but the purpose is no use. He's not ready. I'm drowned with 2 glasses of sake and 3 wine glasses and my vision seems all too clear. As much as I want to be with him and yearn for his desires it's still clear....he's not ready. I can't make him. Nor can I make him realize that I am. Because I am ready, ready for what may happen, ready that the possibilities of what can happen, I am ready for. It's so easy for others to face reality but for me it's so much more. It's the more that I plan, it's the more that I seek, it's the more that I yearn for and the desire that I speak. Whatever that me be he's still not ready for me and what's so sad to say is that he still can't explain but yet he still wants to continue to see me. What more can you see, what I'm giving myself and showing myself, is for you to seek. I say seek a lot because it's the purpose to discover but yet my lover is hiding in covers. I don't know anymore and I'm trying to face truth. I'm tired and worn out and there's no place to escape. Whoever has pity on me no need to try. I've covered my eyes and I can no longer lie. It is what it is and there's no story behind us, just like he said he's not ready to bind us.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
So that's what it comes down to?
This is part two from when I met the gal at the bar. Reference back to "Hair talk". So the gal I met at the bar was filling me on on how she's meeting with her ex husband's current wife and his jump off. Yes please, read again for clarification. According to her, she and the ex's wife are friends. Well they get along. So from what I get the husband has been cheating on the current wife with another woman who happens to carry his child. The wife is still with her husband so obviously they are working it out. So now that the child is now 2, they are all planning to meet to discuss how they can work as a family because the husband has taken full responsibility for the child. YES, you read it correctly......Ok now that I stated the facts let me tell you my observation from this mess as I side eye her. So the gal was telling me this as a gossip tip because she can't fathom it either but since she's trying to support her "friend" she's going to be there. The gal does have an older daughter from her ex husband so I can see how she's still in the mix. The current wife has two kids from her husband as well and I believe they're still young under 5. So now that the jump off's kid is now 2 they figured they need to get to know their brothers and sisters. This is the first time meeting the woman in person and meeting the kid for the first time. All I had to do was kept drinking my beer and listen as this story unfolded so entertainingly. The current wife walks through the door. She's attractive actually both ladies are attractive, I say late 20's early 30's. They seem very mature, got off from work attire. They were definitely far off from Jerry Springer category. The gal introduced us. I didn't care to be introduced but why not. They both sat to my right as I kinda kept to myself "minding my business". All I could hear from the side of my ear, is she's already an hr. late .....then the wife started, saying how she be praised for being the bigger person and making the effort.....I'm sitting here like this chick doesn't owe her anything. Then I started to look at her as she started whining and I slowly started to lose respect. I don't know. Just the whole mess threw me off but then she started hating on the other chick as if she the victim for trying to do right. I was getting buzzed and annoyed by the nonsense and then the gal was just egging her on about how this chick should be appreciating her and taking her child in and being the bigger person. WTF! They were starting to sound bitter and upset for the fact this chick stood both of them up like a fool. A few minutes goes by and the jump off chick walks in with her son and they call got up with fake smiles, as I watched them react. I looked at the other chick and I can say both of them did have one up on looks. I'm sorry ,yall know chicks measure like that. But the real measure is she still got her man lmao! That's wrong, my bad. They said their goodbyes to me and the gal asked for my number so we can meet up again. In my head, the hell we won't. I'm not trying to affiliate drama like that lol. Anyways so I got to thinking dam three chicks been with this dude and they all seem to support and condone what he's been done to them and yet they all manage to work it out for the sake of the kids. I'm not sure how healthy this can be, but if I was his kid, I'm sure dam confused as to what Daddy is doing. Oh well to each is own, I guess there's a reward for being the bigger person or is it a fool and his gold shall soon be departed?
Thursday, September 9, 2010
The hand that rocks the cradle is the cradle that rules the world.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Does this count?

Monday, September 6, 2010
That's how you do it

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