I just had a bitch moment right now because my date is 30 mins late so now I time to spare. Being late is no excuse okay, especially when plans were arranged months, weeks, and a day ago to confirm and remind yo ass about the scheduled event. Ok I understand there are hickups along the way that may come up and because we planned this months, weeks and days ago your ass should of arranged these hick ups accordingly. So I'm sorry if I didn't come off flexible and understanding to your hickup but now you wasting my time. My time to have a laid back drink and people watch. My time to where we may lose our table and be stuck against the wall behind the crowd. No more being nice cuz before I would of brushed it off and been glad to see you even if you were hours late, as long as you made it. Now I don't give a dam. I'll be that Bitch and call you out. And if you call me a Bitch for bitching....negro you have another thing coming. I will pretend to be happy and walk away footing you with an expensive bill, try me. I will be that angry black woman. So instead of me giving you my two cents I said "your ass better be here by xpm!" He text back within 5 mins "on the way" LOVES IT! Therefore ladies if you don't show you don't play then he will never try.
BE THAT BITCH! and if he can't hang, you don't want to be with a bitch no way.
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