I showed up at this network event by myself. My girl friend had a flat tire so she didn't show up till hours later. I'm at the bar minding my own business smiling and nodding so I can blend in with the crowd. A friend of mine that I knew said hello and he introduced me to someone. I totally didn't catch his name because I was mesmerized on how fine he was. I said to my self DAM he must be taken. I quickly turned back around to the bar. I continued sipping my drink which was very tasty and refreshing from the sweltering humidity that's been going on. He stood right beside me and ordered his drink as he made sure to keep his tab open. I graciously smiled and asked what does he do. He has a great job and a beautiful smile. He laughed at me because I was a bit obnoxious about how I went about it...maybe I was nervous or maybe I just went straight to the chase and asked him does he know of any job openings in my field. He said he didn't know then I went back on my way continuing to sip my tasty drink. As we both continued to stare at the bar or the TV I suppose a gal "non black" chick came up quickly in between us rushing to order her drink. I say she was older, a bit confident and didn't care I was in her way. Clearly she was on a mission and I just sat there watching her game. I may be new to the whole "game game" on how to catch a man but for some reason I say that was clear as day on how she went about it. I know I wasn't the only chick that noticed him so I got to say to myself that is the only reason why she had to have stood right in between us because there was space on my left side. I'm just saying, anyways of course she looked to her right and started chatting. He being as polite of course joined the conversation in which my guy friend happened to still be in the circle and introduced them as well. I said to myself man I need to keep my mouth shut and be coy like this girl is, acting like she don't see him. You know I try not to act "but hurt" so I occasionally smiled and joined the conversation. She was very friendly to me maybe cuz I was a threat but chick never introduced herself either. Anyways they were all cheering as I slowly turned back around staring at the non factor television. I didn't mind watching TV after I while I was enjoying my drink and started chatting up with another gal to my left. We whined up chatting and a older gentleman started to join our conversation. He was funny not from the D but was on his 3rd interview tomorrow he's a "cardiologist" should I say so the gal and I real quick started ordering from the top shelf.....you know I started drinking scotch LOL.....no just kidding about ordering drinks he did take care of us. But I asked the gal has she ever had scotch before and she started telling me the way to get a man is by letting him know what you drink. She said the higher quality in your drink will upgrade the men you meet. The gentleman didn't deny that at all. He told me I need to listen to her. I said I'm not ready for all that. Anyways she had to step away and the fine man I was checking out earlier came back to the bar to close his tab. He saw I was chatting with the older gentleman and I looked at him and smiled as he smiled back at me with the "I see you" look. I felt we had the eye contact connection and was a bit bummed to see him check out. But I continued talking to the older guy because he did have a striking conversation although I wasn't interested in him. As we were talking the guy interrupted us and gave me his card. He said sorry he had to leave but would like to chat soon. I had a surprised look but happy he liked me look as he walked away with that bright smile of confidence. The older guy said "let me back up and have him talk to you sorry I was blocking his way you should of said something". I said "I had no idea he was interested". The guy suggested I text him to let him know I'm interested. Let's just say we scheduled a date for tomorrow ..........to be continued.
First let me comment on this.. you sure was liking that first drink.. lol.. Girl I think he was interested because you were a genuinely friendly person. Your attitude is what attracts people to you. Your friendliness. You are just as capable of getting a fine ass men as any Beyonce look a like. LOL.. Let me know how it goes down.. Sincerely, your travel buddy.. lmao!!