I hate to share this but it's something that's so heart wrenching and terrible to hear when an old friend is experiencing something bad. She is currently pregnant with her second child while she just had her first child less than a year ago. Her husband is leaving her for another woman because he realized he never wanted to have kids. Horrible, horrible to know and to hear after years of them being together.
I can't explain nor ever feel what she's going through but it definitely puts you in perspective of yourself and your life. You start to question what if this happened to me or fearing that this can happen to you and afraid that who you think you know you never knew at all.
Can love really get you that far deep to where you are so blinded? Yes, she said "there were warning signs, yes, you start to see everything clearly when it hits the fan, but then how do you know when to look away or walk away when the love is so strong or the faith you have to work it out." It's a really good question and a hard question depending on whomever's circumstances may be. I sat in silence.......because I'm sure and believe Love can make you do some of the craziest things. It's interesting because it is a catch 22 as far as the faith of love and the fear of love can have on you. The risk and the reward are both so much to where it's almost the same. Either way you experience it, there will be a significant affect on one's life. I guess in this game called life we all choose one way but sometimes life forces you to choose another. That's what makes the world go round. No one ever sees this as its happening but it happens. My truth is there is no right or wrong way to find Love. I suppose, the love you have for yourself that will always direct you on how you want to live your life. That's a promise I can keep.
My prayers are with her and her family.
The thing about loving is that it's a "risk". When you love you open yourself up to get hurt. But there can be an amazing "reward" too. We never know. We just know that we're in for a ride.. In any ride anything can happen, there can be an accident, the parts might start falling off, etc, etc. It's a game of chance. I have not always had the best outcomes in this department but that's why I make it a point to have full closure when I can. It's the only thing that will allow me to take the "risk" again. When I do I can make sure I'm wiser about myself so I can make better choices.