Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Let's talk hair

This happened a while back but I have to share this story.  So I was at this restaurant for happy hour on a Thursday evening.  The bar was pretty dead maybe one or two lounging around.  This young woman across the bar was sipping wine in front of me, while I was sipping beer.  She had short naturally curly hair just like I so I thought why not sit next to her and spark a conversation, why not we're both sipping alone and I figured we have something in common "our hair".  So I got her attention and yelled across the bar "are you sitting alone, may I join you?"  She said yeah come on.  The female bar tender thought it was so cute we all laughed.  Anyways we just started talking about hair from the get go.  She was asking what product do I use? How do I make it soft, when did I do the big chop?  We were both so passionate about discussing our hair and the most part was the insecurity we were going through.  This phase of wearing a certain outfit but if you had longer hair it would complete your look.  My short hair at times just made stay home.  It's sad to say but it only lasted for a short period.  In the beginning there's a sense of liberation and freedom when you first chop it off.  The lady who chopped my hair had to make sure I'm aware of what's going on.  She said she was blamed for cutting someone's hair, even though chick paid her to do it.  It's that mentaility you gotta prepare because it's not physcial, its everything.  I looked at her like dang this is serious.  I was starting to have doubts too cuz she kept saying all the negative things behind it.  Then the more she kept making sure the more I wanted to cut it.  I was all confused and emotional about the whole thing.  But whew, I got this huge weight lifted off my shoulder of being burdened with hair styles, maintaining my hair style, managing my money to keep my hair up.  It was a relief and an internal relief as well.  I felt like a new person, I felt like I can start over again.  Or at least at that moment the start of something new whatever that may be.  I was ready for a big change and the moment I looked at myself in the mirror with this new look I said wholly ish what have I done but then that moment of silence washed away and made me face the music that now I have to make the best of it with the rest of the world.  So me and this gal were just talking about now that our hair is at certain length it's starting to become hard to manage and style.  For me I have this big afro that's too short to put in a bun and but not long enough to get a certain curl to look right.  Her story behind why she did the big chop was she was tired of keeping it straight.  The humidity is not your friend with curly hair so she wanted to have that wash and go feel.  The heat must of got to her that bad to cut all her hair off especially when she said her hair was down her back, so she say.   I was more of wanting to go natural all the way the only part that wasn't was my hair so I figured why not.  Letting your hair grow and finding new natural ways to maintain it is a new exciting process that I'm following and I love it.  What I love most is that once it grows to it's fullest potential I will be more than happy to say every bit of this experience is all worth it. 

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